Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Welcome to me losing weight.

Hi. I am Annie.

I need to lose like 95 pounds, and this is where I plan to tell you about it.

I might get pissed, or really happy, or find cool stuff that helps me. Whatever it is, this is where I will put it. So get ready. Because I might swear. Especially if I eat a shitload of food that is bad for me (see what I did there? Where I swore after I said I might swear? I won't normally swear. But I might. So deal with it)

The thing is that I lost 75 pounds way back in 2005. I did it on Weight Watchers. Then I got cancer and have been battling it on and off ever since. I've used it as an excuse, I've eaten much food. I've exercised on and off. And now I am back to my original weight from 2005. That is not tremendous.

So instead of making excuses and being ridiculous about it, which I've been doing since I joined Weight Watchers again in October of 2010 only to get really obsessed with crap food and gain 35 pounds (don't judge me), I'm going to tell the world (or the 32.5 people that might ever read this, but just let me pretend) about it so I have a large amount of accountability (I'm trying to avoid shitload. I don't know why I feel like that is the best way to demonstrate a large amount rather than just saying large amount).

I suck at sticking to things. I'm gonna keep this blog simple so that I'm not afraid of it. That is all.


P.S. I'll add more about me later. I have to go to bed now.


  1. Looking forward to sharing this journey with you as I struggle with my battle to lose. Since I can't swear on my blog (someone might report me to my boss, haha) I'm glad I have a place to curse this weight loss battle!
    Seriously, you're a strong lady and I have no doubt I'll be reading the success story on here!
    Debi O

  2. MY FIRST COMMENT! I'm so excited. Help keep me accountable to blog Debi!

  3. My story has some similarities to yours. I've fortunately been incredibly healthy throughout my life, but I've always been, uh, "husky" or "big-boned" - come from a family of larger individuals. I've gone through a couple of distinct times in my life where I've lost 75+ pounds - changed my life, changed my diet, only to see some external factors (business travel, work stress) lead me to a sedentary lifestyle and poor meal choices.

    Just went in for a physical and I'm healthy as a horse, particularly for someone my size/BMI. However, I know I'm playing with fire. Knees/joints, back, et. al. all potential problem spots if things don't change. This is my primary motivation to get active, change my diet, and lose weight. I'm not so fixated on a number (though 100 pounds would be a nice, round one), as much as I would like to slowly drop the pounds over the next year or so. I'd like to wear pants with a waist size in the 30's again, I'd like to turn some of this flab to muscle, and also become more limber/flexible and less stressed/tight. With a pending job change, too, where I'll be meeting a lot of new people, I know appearances are important, and I want to make a positive first impression (sad to say a lot of people still hold the bias that fat = dumb).

    I'm here to offer my help/advice/motivation/moral support, Annie, and hope you can offer me some of the same when I need it.

  4. Hello, Annie. =) You can count me in for accountability in losing weight! The decision not to entertain excuses is one tough act to follow. Since you can’t keep on doing the same things all over again, I suggest that you assign a family member to be a close accountability partner. Keep us posted on your progress! Madison Mcnulty
